Nederlandse Commissie voor Stralingsdosimetrie

The Nederlandse Commissie voor Stralingsdosimetrie (NCS, Netherlands Commission on Radiation Dosimetry) was officially established on 3 September 1982 with the aim of promoting the appropriate use of dosimetry of ionizing radiation  both for scientific research and practical applications. The NCS is chaired by a board of scientists, installed upon the suggestion of the supporting societies. Since the beginning of 1999 the board of the NCS has been strengthened with a representative of the Belgian Hospital Physicists Society.
To pursue its aims, the NCS accomplishes the following tasks:

- Participation in dosimetry standardisations
- Promotion of dosimetry intercomparisons
- Drafting of dosimetry protocols
- Collection and evaluation of physical data related to dosimetry

Furthermore, the Commission shall maintain or establish links with national and international organisations concerned with ionizing radiation and promulgate information on new developments in the field of radiation dosimetry.


For the purpose of publishing reports, TThe NCS installs several subcommittees to perform practical and scientific projects regarding radiation dosimetry in the hospital. Additionally, there is an advisory platform to advise on practical radiation (safety) issues in hospitals.

Login facility

The login facility is for board, platform and subcommittee members to store documents that are under developments. They are not accessible for other website visitors.



The NCS frequently publishes reports for fellow professionals in which recommendations are given for various quality control procedures or otherwise. The members of the NCS board and the members of the concerning subcommittee do not claim any authority exceeding that of their professional expertise. Responsibility on how the NCS recommendations are implemented lies with the user, taking into account the practice in his/her institution.


NCS Reports See all files

Code of Practice and Recommendations for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy

NCS 37, November 2024

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Quality Assurance of MRI for Radiotherapy

NCS 36, March 2023

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Quality Assurance of Treatment Planning Systems

NCS 35, July 2022

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Code of Practice and recommendations for Total Body Irradiation and Total Skin Irradiation

NCS 34, February 2021

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