Radiation Doses & Risk Estimation for Medical Diagnostics and Research  

The purpose of the NCS subcommittee is (1) to define threshold radiation doses regarding the risk on deterministic effects and to approximate stochastic effects in humans exposed to ionizing radiation. Therewith, to provide (2) guidelines for diagnostic and intervention procedures in patients or volunteers participating in scientific medical research and (3) required additional measures in case of exceeding the defined threshold values. Threshold radiation doses (mSv/mGy) will be derived from the literature, e.g. using ICRP and BEIR reports. On basis of the threshold values and including several variables like radiation dose, age at exposure, gender and life expectancy, risk estimations will be presented. The subcommittee will propose guidelines for intervention procedures which inevitably exceed the threshold values, both for the clinical practice and for volunteers or patients participating in medical research. A follow-up working group will define interventions for which additional measures, e.g. specific trainings or protocols, are required.

This subcommittee had its first meting on 27 August 2014.

Preliminary Report

The subcommittee chose to present a preliminary report for comments. You are invited to send your comments to Peter Sminia (P.Sminia@vumc.nl), before 5 October 2015. The report shall be finialised by the end of 2015.

Members of this NCS subcommittee

  • Peter Sminia  (VUmc, Amsterdam, Chairman, representative of the NCS board, p.sminia-at-vumc.nl)
  • Marloes Zeeman (NVMBR, Utrecht, representative of the NCS board
  • Klaas Franken (AMC, Amsterdam, representative of the NCS board)
  • Marcel Greuter (UMCG, Groningen)
  • Arno van de Wiel (Min.VWS, Den Haag)
  • Frank de Lange (RadboudUMC, Nijmegen)
  • Ali Vegter (NVMBR, Utrecht, representative of NCS Platform)
  • Adriaan Lammertsma (VUmc, Amsterdam, representative of NVNG)
  • Aart Spilt (Kennemer Gasthuis, Haarlem, representative of the NCS board)
  • Marcel Wiegman (RadboudUMC, Nijmege
  • Jeroen van de Kamer (NKI-AvL, Amsterdam, representative of the NCS board)